Mango Smoothie

Mango Smoothie

These mango smoothies are delicious and refreshing after a workout or a long day. They can even be just for fun. The recipe specifies a certain mango but you can switch this to any mangoes you want. Try this easy recipe to have a great mango smoothie. Recipe:

Sweet and Savoury Bacon Pancakes

Sweet and Savoury Bacon Pancakes

These are a perfect breakfast treat to have. I found these on a very helpful website with full recipes and lots of nice food to cook. If you go on this website it contains many great recipes for food and also on lots of different things so its quite a helpful website. There is a guide to follow on the website. Recipe:

The MegaBITE

Rainbow Cake

Rainbow Cake

A delicious rainbow cake to make for parties or just for fun. The cake is extremely colourful and will be centre stage at a party or gathering. The cake is just a normal cake with food colouring added. The icing is buttercream. The website where the recipe is found has step by step instructions and even a video to help you out. The recipe can be adapted to make any colour cakes. Recipe:

The MegaBITE

First Post

Hi Im a blogger who enjoys great food and loves cooking it as well. I’ll try and post great recipes that everyone can enjoy and provide interesting posts for you too enjoy. The recipes will be from a variety of different cultures and meals. With deserts, breakfast and main courses alike. The posts will all contain links to the recipes for the dish or a place where you can but it. Have fun! I made this site as part of my ICT BTEC course. It is to demonstrate how well I can use ICT and to help make a guide for how to make a blog.

The MegaBITE